
Get Your 50-50 ticket before April 3, 2025

To make sure you get your 50-50 raffle draw ticket, for only $10, for a chance to win up to $5,000, buy it before April 3 (or, if you are buying it that day, we suggest you get your ticket by noon that day so you don’t miss out!)

50-50 draw tickets are available now. People can buy their ticket from any Exeter Lions Club or Conservation Auction Committee member.

You may also contact Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (at the office at 71108 Morrison Line, east of Exeter, just south of Highway 83) or by phone at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.

The 50-50 Raffle Draw is scheduled to be held on Thursday, April 3, 2024 at South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter. The draw is planned to take place at 8 p.m.

Tickets must be sold in Ontario (Lottery Licence #M835225).

Support needed local projects and earn chance to win up to $5,000 with 50-50 ticket

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) is selling 50-50 raffle draw tickets, leading up to the 35th Conservation Auction (going online for 2025!).

The 50-50 tickets are in support of needed local community projects that could not happen otherwise.

There are 1,000 tickets printed and the cash prize could be as high as $5,000 if all tickets are sold. Tickets are $10 each.

Chris Keller, of the Exeter Lions Club, is Chair of the Conservation Auction Committee.

“Buying a ticket for the 50-50 draw is a great way to show support for your community and to earn a chance to win a large cash prize,” he said.

Net proceeds from the draw are donated to local community projects.

Net proceeds from the draw are to be donated to local community projects.

The 50-50 draw had a record prize of $6,300 in 2021.

The Conservation Auction is a community fundraiser of the Conservation Foundation, the Exeter Lions Club, and the watershed community.

The Conservation Auction is online in 2025.

The online auction starts at 8 a.m. on Monday, May 12, 2025 and it ends at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, 2025.

To learn more visit our virtual auctions web page.