35th Conservation Dinner is April 3, 2025

Conservation Foundation, Lions Club prepare to co-host 35th Conservation Dinner on April 3, 2025

Conservation Dinner is to take place in Exeter on Thursday, April 3, 2025 in support of projects in local communities

The 35th Conservation Dinner takes place on Thursday, April 3, 2025. This gala dinner and auction has raised more than $1.39 million, for projects in local communities, over its history dating back almost three and a half decades.

The Conservation Dinner Committee Chair for 2025 is Chris Keller of the Exeter Lions Club. He encourages people to “ … save the date …” and mark the date on their calendars. People may even consider purchasing tickets as gifts during the Christmas season.

The Conservation Dinner is a partnership of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation and Exeter Lions Club and the entire community. The Chair describes the event as a great evening of fun, fellowship, and community betterment.

The Conservation Dinner takes place at South Huron Recreation Centre at 94 Victoria Street East in Exeter. Tickets are $100 each and patrons receive a charitable gift receipt, for income tax purposes, for a portion of that amount. To buy tickets to the Conservation Dinner, or to donate, phone 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@abca.ca or visit the Ausable Bayfield Conservation office east of Exeter at 71108 Morrison Line (just south of Highway 83).

Find out more at conservationdinner.com and the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation’s Conservation Dinner web page.

The Exeter Lions Club has been co-partner, with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation and the watershed community, on the Dinner, since 1991. Net profits are split 50-50 between community conservation projects of the Conservation Foundation and community conservation projects of the Exeter Lions Club.

The Conservation Dinner gala charitable auction and dinner supports projects that include accessible nature trails in Bayfield, Clinton, Parkhill, Lucan, Arkona, Exeter, and Varna; making it possible for more students to experience outdoor nature education; a $1,000 student environmental bursary benefitting students in local communities; a summer job at Ausable Bayfield Conservation for a student beginning their post-secondary education in an environment-related field; turtle monitoring and events in Port Franks and Ailsa Craig; aquatic habitat studies in Old Ausable Channel, Grand Bend; and projects like nature day camps, fishing derby and Owl Prowl, and parks and conservation areas.

The annual charitable event features live and silent auctions of art and other distinctive items including travel packages and sports and entertainment memorabilia. The Dinner also includes special raffles, general raffles, appetizers, fun and fellowship, and a wonderful meal.